Quick Update -  Abigail is now 10 months!  Just two months until her first birthday!  She has two bottom teeth and a few coming in up top.  She is a crawling monster!  She has become quite the escape artist during diaper changes!  Soon she will be walking and wreaking havoc all over the house.  She is terrified of the dogs if they approach her, and they are terrified of her if she approaches them!  She has developed her own goofy smile and becomes a ham for the camera!  My favorite thing that she does now... She gives me hugs!!!

Enjoy some of my favorites of what I've taken tonight of my little monkey!

Abby's bottom teeth and Pirate Grin!
Determined to get to the camera!

Mommy Hugs!

Big eyes!

Abby is almost 9 months!  Wow does time sure fly!

Abby is doing well at her school (daycare).  She really likes to go.  She gets really excited when we ask if she's ready to go to school.  She loves her teachers.  She likes playing with the other babies but is also very happy to play by herself.  She never gets upset when I leave, but will get upset if she knows I am there and I don't come into the room right away to get her!  She thinks it's funny when I leave and tell her that her assignment for that day is to start crawling.  She will probably be walking before crawling!

At her 6 month checkup, she was 17 pounds and 26 inches long!  She has her 9 month checkup in a few weeks as well as her first vision check and her next Parents as Teachers visit.  Abby is still on breastmilk and we haven't had to supplement with formula (Yay for Mom!).  She has been eating cereal and solids for almost 5 months now.  She tends to only eat one type of food at a time.  She gets a taste for something and won't eat anything else.  I can see we might have a battle later with this.  We have her on an organic only diet and most of her baby food is homemade.  We want to make sure to not feed her anything that has herbicides, pesticides, GMOs, or extra supplements that she doesn't need.  Her current love is butternut squash and corn!  Soon, Abby will have her first goat at Grandma's farm.  Her goat will provide her will her dairy needs.  Goat milk is very similar to breastmilk and it breaks down fast within the digestive system.  Goat milk is great for those with dairy allergies for this reason.  Dairy allergies run in my family so we are giving Abby a chance for her digestive system to mature before she experiences cow milk.

We made a trip to Texas for Thanksgiving to visit Nana and Grandpa Novogoratz.  The trip was a lot easier than in June since we recently joined the Minivan Brigade!  Abby had lots of fun playing with Uncle Matt and screaming at Uncle Jamie.

Where's Abby?  There she is!

Do not let Porsche inside.  This is my house!

Abby has rolled over!!!!  She is 16 weeks tomorrow!  She can halfway roll over from back to front so hopefully that comes soon!

Notice the blanket she is laying on.  It's the quilt that Paul made with his grandma back in 5th grade!

We haven't gotten to sending out our announcements or our Thank You's but those will be in the mail shortly. We've been busy enjoying our little girl and working!

All Around Girl Birth Announcement
Personalize your announcements with Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

I didn't realize until today, that we haven't posted since October! Alot has happened since October.

We are very pregnant now, with only 6 weeks to go!
We have picked a name.
We are having a girl.
We have almost completed the nursery.
We are ready for Baby N to be here!

The dogs on the other hand, might not be. Beamer acts really hesitant and afraid more than normal. Porsche has regressed on house training (@5 we should be done with this) and we are working hard to retrain her. They know change is coming and they are extremely needy!

School is in full swing and we've had our first full week of school in a while with all the snow days and days off for holidays or inservice days. The longest week of my life, it felt like! My students are ready for April as much as I am, mostly for the warmer weather where they could walk to school!

I now must grade papers and get caught up on the last week!

I leave you with a picture of 5 friends from high school. We all reunited for a baby shower and 4 of the 5 are pregnant!

Lets hope for a fast 6 weeks!!!!

So we haven't updated in a while. Simply put, we've both been busy. Paul has been working as many hours as possible to meet his impending deadlines. I have been working about 12 hours a day between school and coaching Cross Country. The weeks have been long for me (6 day work weeks) but the Saturday meets and watching the kids get excited about their achievements have been well worth it!

This last week, I got to make a solo trip to Denver for the NCTM (National Council of Mathematics Teachers) Conference. It was a lot of fun and definitely informative! I didn't manage to make a time switch for the time that I was there, so I was having to duck out of seminars to go get lunch or dinner. Below is a picture of Big Blue aka the creeper bear outside of the Colorado Convention Center.

When I returned to KC, I got some much needed rest and then I dragged Paul out to the Powell Pumpkin Patch to experience the hunt for the best pumpkins! We got two rather large ones and carved them. Pictures to come.

Now the news that I've been leading up to... We are Pregnant! Our first baby is due in early April. The date keeps changing because of how Baby N is measuring. I've apparently gained a week since we had our first ultrasound. We are currently in our 17th week going by what baby was measuring at a few weeks ago. We've already begun work on the nursery because we wanted to make sure I was able to help get it set up and not just stand around barking instructions!

Below is the pictures of our crib and dresser/changer table. And yes, this is going to be one spoiled baby!

About this blog

About Me

My photo
Paul and Jenn were married on June 14, 2009 and are currently embarking on any adventure they might find! Baby Novogoratz was expected to join in on the adventures in April 2011, but surprised us 25 days early and arrived March 10th!